“A World Away”

 He lays his head on his pillow this night,
And looks up at the pale moonlight.
 He lets his mind wander to those left behind
To answer the call to the enemy’s line.
“What are they doing right now?” , he wonders aloud.
  His thoughts turn to her, and to promises vowed.
“Lord, bless them, and watch over them from above,
And let them feel your wondrous love.” 

 A world away, she tucks in bed,
Tousled-haired little sleepy heads.
 They laugh, and giggle, and smile, and play.
Then, mommy says, “For daddy, and others, 
It’s time to pray.”
 On bended knee, with folded hands,
Sweet little prayers dance ore’ the land.
 “Dear Jesus, keep our daddy safe,
And all the others in that place. 
 Let them know that they are loved,
Wrap them in hugs from angels above.”

 Because they answered duty’s call,
Sacrifice is great, no matter big, or small.
 On battlefield lines, or left to serve at home,
They bravely serve, so that in freedom, we may roam.

 Let freedom ring throughout this land! 
We pray, God take them by the hand,
 And guide their steps, where e’re they may roam;
Until He brings them safely home.

 So, thank you, Army, Navy, Marines.
Thank you Air Force, and Coast Guard, for everything.
 Your country salutes you, one and all,
For proudly answering freedom’s call! 

Brenda Teague

I LOVE Christmas!

I’ve always loved Christmas. I loved it when my children were small, and I treasure every moment of the Holidays, experiencing them with my grandchildren. The opportunity to spoil them, while sharing the good news of Jesus, makes my heart swell, and my eyes leak.

I love the sights, the sounds, the smells of Christmas. I love recreating the foods my mother made our Holiday traditions, and I love the new ones that my family now expects to see on the table. I even love that my daughter makes better deviled eggs than I do. I have always loved baking cookies with my grand-girls, and the boys like to get in on the decorating.

I love our Christmas Eve celebration traditions. Dinner, dessert, and the reading of the Christmas story from the book of Luke, before we open presents. Some carols (because, let’s face it: if I’m involved, there WILL be music!)

Someone always plays Santa, and passes out the mountain of gifts. Then, we go from youngest to oldest (poor Papa is always last.) and open each present, one by one.

I love our new pajamas tradition that I started when our son was a baby. No real reason, other than I wanted him to look cute for Christmas morning pictures. One year, I forgot to ship the p.j.’s, and I was afraid there was going to be a mutiny! And, every year, since they were born, there has been a new ornament for them. This year, my daughter said that there simply was not enough room on her tree for all of the ornaments. I love that!

I loved the faces of the little ones on Christmas morning, as they rushed to the living room, to see what had been left under the tree.

Our traditional Christmas morning breakfast of overnight breakfast casserole, and coffee cake, is something we all look forward to every year.

I rejoice in the celebration of the birth of Christ. 🎶”God sent His son, they called him Jesus,”🎶 it truly is the reason for the season! All the other things are simply trimmings.

Yes, I love Christmas! But, as much as I love it, there’s one thing I love more: Easter! Why, you ask? Because, Easter is the ending of the beginning of the story that starts in a manger, in a stable, in Bethlehem.

The young mother we see at the birth of her Holy son, is older, wiser, and grief stricken when her pure, and perfect son’s battered, bruised, and lifeless bloodied body is taken down from the cross, and she openly weeps as she holds him in her arms.

The song, “Mary, Did You Know?”, by Mark Lowry, is one of my favorite contemporary Christmas songs. We have to ask, did she know what lie ahead for her virgin born son? Christ knew. Yet, He came anyway. Such love has never been shown before, nor will it ever again be repeated.

In this modern day world, where God’s word is touted as out of touch with reality, where Christianity, and religion are no longer respected, I still cling to the cross. The cross upon which He died for me. And, yes, for you.

It has been a comfort, a symbol, a strong tower to me, throughout my life. God’s word is my road map, that leads, guides, and directs me to my eternal home. It remains a certain constant in our lives. It does not change.

Yes, I love Christmas, and the birth of a baby, that we celebrate during this season. But, I love even more, the Easter story, that tells of His second birth. The hope of all mankind springing forth, when the stone was rolled away, and He was resurrected, so that we might have life ever after.

So, celebrate! Rejoice! Shout, “Merry Christmas!” Then, start to prepare for the biggest celebration of all: Easter, and the real reason He came to earth!

God bless you, my friends, and Merry Christmas!



Jesus Use Me

While surfing through YouTube tonight, a song came up in the feed, that I have not heard in I couldn’t tell you how many years.
It immediately opened the floodgates of my memory, and my heart. I sat in the chair, in our room, and wept. I cried for what my life has been. I cried for what, at age fourteen, I thought it should be. I wept for all that God has given me, all He has allowed me to do, and even the things that I thought I knew; but He knew better.

When I was a teen, I belonged to a fabulous State Youth Choir, called The Michigan Wonderland Songsters. One of the most influential women in my life, a sweet lady named Jo Nell Adams was the Director of the choir. Jo Nell ran a tight ship. After one competition, where we had beaten another choir, we (in typical teen style) were singing out of the bus windows to the other choirs, “Nah nah nah nah, nah nah nah nah, Hey, hey, hey! Goodbye!”
Jo Nell was having none of it. We endured a lengthy sermon about the devil’s music, and the pitfalls therein. We did not make that mistake again.

Jo Nell was also Co-Director of our church Youth Camp, Kamp-Ki-O-Ki. Short for,
KIng Of KIngs. She, and her best friend, Maxine Norfleet, were the best, in my opinion.
They were true, devoted women of God, and they were mentors. When Richard and I got married, Jo Nell, and her husband, Dwayne, sang at our wedding. They sang, “Each For The Other And Both For The Lord.” Their daughter, Kim, sang, “We’ve OnlyJust Begun.” I think everyone that got married in the 70’s had that song at their wedding. It was a Karen Carpenter law, I believe!

The choir was to sing at a revival meeting. As it turns out, the speaker that night was a Missionary. I found myself hanging on every word. The song we sang was, Jesus Use Me.
The words of the song, coupled with the words of the missionary, touched my young heart.
“Jesus, use me, please, Lord, don’t refuse me. For surely there’s a work that I can do. And even though it’s humble, Lord, help MY will to crumble. And, though the cost be great, I’ll work for you.” I felt as though there were a magnet in my soul, pulling me to the mission field, in Korea. I had it all figured out, I was going to Korea, and I was going to teach music, and English to children. I had heard the evangelistic call, and I was ready to answer!
I went to Jo Nell on the bus, and told her what I was planning. Notice, I said what I was planning. Not what God had planned. I’m sure none of you have ever taken the reigns out of God’s capable hands before, right? Nah, I didn’t think so.

Jo Nell listened to me, very patiently. She took my hands in hers, looked me in the eye, and said, “Honey, when GOD calls you, you’ll know it. Don’t get confused with what you think He wants, and what He actually wants. I’ll tell you what; I’m going to pray for you. I’m gonna pray that you will listen for that voice, and when He calls, you’ll know to answer.”
Well, I was already convinced that I had indeed heard, and answered.
I was already making plans for my future at that young age. I had found my first love, and I chased that boy till he caught me! Foolishly, thinking we had the world by the tail, we had everything figured out. Yes sir, college, marriage, Korea, it was all under control. At least, in my mind, it was.

None of these best laid plans mattered though. You see, my mama and daddy got the idea that a certain young man and I were too serious, and forced me to end that relationship. Oh, the heartbreak! But, it was a fete au complet. Mama had spoken!
So, when I turned my attention to the rest of the plan I had made, I shared it with mama. Now, my mother was a Godly woman. She lived the life before us, and was a role model. A true Proverbs 31 woman. But, when it came to keeping her chicks in the nest, mama bird became super mom, and was not to be messed with. I told her all about Korea, I shared my vision, and my excitement. Mama let me wind down, and she looked at me, and said, “Well, I can tell you right now, that ain’t happening.”
“But, mama, God has called me to the Mission field.”
“You ain’t a bit more heard the voice of God, than the man in the moon! You better go back and check that conversation again, cause I been talkin’ to the Lord about you, and that ain’t what I’m hearin!”
To say I was crushed, is an understatement.
Oh, the tragedies I was forced to endure, at such a young age! The “love of my life” had been ripped from my arms (insert dramatic music! ) and I was convinced I would NEVER love, or be loved again! Now, I was not “allowed” to be a Missionary! I was positive that God would never again offer me something to do! I thought it was like a job promotion; turn it down, and you get passed by forever. Oh, I had so much to learn!

At age fifteen, we changed Denominations. I walked into a Church Bazaar, flashed a smile at a cute boy named Richard Teague, and he followed me to ask my name. The rest, as they say, is history. We were married when I was almost nineteen. I had grown, and matured in my relationship with God. I had come to appreciate my parents for making the decision they did, when I was fourteen, and foolishly thought I knew what was best.

I never made it to Korea. Mama was right about that too. The call I heard was the sweet, pure desire to serve Him. I have spent my life working with children. Countless children. I have loved every moment of it. But, the most rewarding time spent with children, has been that spent with my own, and my beautiful grandchildren. I am so incredibly blessed!

God has afforded me some amazing opportunities in music as well. As a Senior in High School, my choir director arranged an audition for me, for the World Action Singers. While I passed the audition, and was offered a spot, it was not the right fit for me. By that time, I had learned to discern God’s voice, and tried my best to use wisdom, and follow it.
I would later work with children’s choirs, and Youth choirs as director.
I would go on to sing with some ultra talented artists. Sandi Patty, Larnelle Harris, Thurlow Spurr, Dino Kartsonakis, to name a few. I’ve been on huge stages before thousands, and on small church stages, before a hundred, and each time, I’m reminded of how blessed I am. it is indeed an honor to worship Him in song.
I have attempted to serve, and Honor Him with what He has given me. “Little is much, when God is in it.” Remember the loaves and fishes?

When God gives you a gift, you are obligated to use that gift to reach others, and bring them to Him. If, at the end of my life, I can know that I was responsible for ONE SOUL being added to the kingdom, my life will not have been in vain.

Matthew 6:33
“But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.

Just because He doesn’t move in the direction we think He should, does not mean He is not moving in our lives.

As I used to tell my pre-schoolers, “ Put on your listening ears!

Be blessed today!

To Rebuke, Or To Puke

I think that at some point in our lives, all of us have been a victim of bullying. Now, it’s more prevalent to be “cyber bullied.” There are very aggressive campaigns in our schools, that target bullying, and they have served to make children more aware of the feelings of others.

Sadly, this was not the case in 1980, when my son, Aaron, was in Kindergarten.

Aaron was a little guy for his age. My mother worried about him constantly. “That young’in looks poor, Brenda! You need to take him to the Doctor. He don’t eat enough to keep a bird alive. I’m worried about him!” I wasn’t worried about him, until her unending barrage of concerns. Little did she know the child could eat a grown man under the table. He was the specimen of good health, and strong as an ox. This “ little guy” about whom she was so worried, went on to play Baseball, Football, Wrestle, run Track, and join the U.S.Air Force.

We had always taught him not to start a fight, but don’t let someone abuse you either. Just when we thought he had grasped that concept, the school came out with their zero tolerance policy. Meaning, that even if someone was fighting you, you were NOT allowed to defend yourself, or else you would suffer repercussions. Needless to say, his father was not tolerant of the zero tolerance policy.

So, when we were having supper one night, we asked how everyone’s day had gone. We did this every night. We usually got a rambling story from the two and a half year old, about her blue baby, a blue balloon, and a blue dress. Yes, it was her “ Blue Period.”

Aaron would usually regale us with tales of recess, snack time, and his new friend, Chris. He didn’t know Chris’ last name. He had just followed him home from school one day, and declared him, “My bestest friend, Mama!” And, so it was.

When asked about his day, he stopped shoveling his food (poor, wasting away child!) and dropped his head. “What’s wrong, Buddy?” His daddy asked.


I gave my husband a ‘ let it go’ look, and told Aaron to keep on eating.

“No thank you. May I please be excused?”

“If you’re finished eating, yes. You may be excused. Go get ready for your bath, please.”

When he left the kitchen, his dad looked at me, and said, “What’s going on?”

“Well, I’m not sure, but I think he’s having a problem with Donald Skylar again.”

Now, Donald Skylar was the kid that every mother wanted to have over for a play date, and ambush the little darling in the backyard, with a pan of Ex-Lax Brownies. He was of superior intelligence, and therefore, most adults in his life gave him cart Blanche to be an obnoxious, spoiled, undisciplined little bully. And, he took full advantage of it. As luck would have it, Donald’s family lived only one street over, and he and Aaron took the same route home.

It was Donald’s M.O. to run ahead, hide behind the bushes, and trip Aaron, shove him, push him in the mud, whatever he could do to torment.

At bedtime, before prayers, I asked my little boy what was wrong. “ Tell mama, buddy. I can’t help you, if you don’t tell me.” After a long sigh, he looked up at me, tears filling his huge brown eyes, and said, “Donald Skylar says I can’t walk home on his street anymore.”

Now, before I had a chance to respond, his father, who had been lurking around the corner, appeared in the doorway.

“Like heck you can’t! That boy does not own the street! I’ve had it with him, and his parents, Brenda, Aaron, you better knock him on his”

“NO!” I yelled, pushing him out the door. “Daddy’s just excited, honey. You know we don’t want you to fight, but we don’t want you to let someone hurt you either.”

“But, if I do anything, Mr. Doogle is gonna use his big old paddle on my butt!”

Mr. Doogle was the Principal, and he had a very large ‘board of education’, with holes drilled in it. He and my husband had already had one very…..”spirited” discussion about the use of said paddle on his children. It was kind of a one way conversation. That’s another story, for another day.

“Well, I tell you what. Let’s pray for Jesus to make Donald stop being mean to you. How does that sound.”

“Like a dumb plan, but, ok mama.”

So, we did. For the next three days, Donald kept bullying. Aaron got more tormented, I became frustrated, and my husband wanted to go, “Have a talk with that boy’s daddy!”

Now, before you say anything, we had already gone that route. Three times, to no avail.

Every night, we prayed for Donald. On the fourth night, it was breaking my heart to see my baby boy so upset. “You know what, buddy? Tonight, we are going to pray for Jesus to take away that spirit of meanness that lives in Donald’s heart. Tonight, we will pray for Jesus to send his angels to walk with you, and to protect you. Tonight, we are going to rebuke that spirit of meanness, and bind it all up!”


So, we did. I prayed the most Pentecostal prayer I could muster up. The windows were open, and by the time I was done, I was sure the drunk next door was ready to toss his bottle in the trash, and hit the mission field!

The next morning at breakfast, I said, “Remember, son, if God is FOR you, who can be AGAINST you?!”

“Nobody, mama!”

“That’s right, nobody. Cause we rebuke him, in the name of Jesus!” I watched my strawberry blonde little boy take off to school, and I prayed another, more motherly prayer over him.

All morning long, I was on pins and needles, wondering what would happen.

At 11:50, Aaron rounded the corner, and made a mad dash for home, yelling, “Mama! Mama!” The whole way.

I threw the door open, and ran down the steps to meet him, fearing the worst.

He flew into my arms, smiling so big, declaring, “Mama! It worked! It worked!”

“Yay! Yay for Jesus! Yay for angels! Yay for my brave boy! What happened, son?”

“Donald tried to push me down. I pointed my finger at him, and I yelled, “ I PUKE on you, in the name of Jesus! He started to cry, and ran away! It worked, Mama!”

He never had another problem with Donald Skylar, and they even became friends. Because, according to Aaron, every kid needs a bully for a friend!

Why did our prayer to rebuke that mean heart work? Was it my very flowery prayer.

Was it my faith? No. Neither of those. I prayed a mother’s prayer over my children every day. Secret? I still do, and they’re both in their 40’s now. No, there’s one reason, and one only. Child like faith. Aaron believed that God would do what he asked of Him. He prayed it, he believed it, he acted on it, and God showed up.

So, the next time you’re faced with a bully, “puke” on them, in the name of Jesus, then have child like faith that it will work!

Until next time,


A Song In My Heart

“I must tell Jesus, all of my trials. I cannot bear these burdens alone. In my distress, He kindly will help me. He ever loves, and cares for His own.”

I love the words of that old hymn. So many songs flood my mind tonight:
I Must Tell Jesus
What A Friend We Have In Jesus
There’s Something About That Name
He Looked Beyond My Faults

I saw a shirt the other day, that said, “My brain is 80% song lyrics. I think mine’s probably about 90%. It seems for every situation with which I am faced, I can draw from my music memory library, and pull a song that relates to that circumstance, or situation.
Sometimes, I feel like Jimmy Durante, “I got a million of’em!”

Sometimes, when I’m facing a particular trial, it seems that I pray, and pray, and I just seemingly hit the proverbial brick wall. I’m out of words to pray, so the tears of heartbreak overtake me. I’m so glad that God speaks the language of tears!
Sometimes I KNOW that I’ve built that brick wall myself, because of transgressions that I have not acknowledged to my Father. Mind you, He already knows, because He is all knowing, but I have not spoken them to Him.

For a true believer, sin equates heartache, unless full acknowledgement is made to Him. BUT, forgiveness brings joy, peace, comfort, and the realization that through it all, He loves us anyway. Unconditionally, without reservation, without hesitation, without qualification!
“He ever loves, and cares for His own!”

Have you found yourself floundering in the temptation of sin?
“I Must Tell Jesus”

Do you feel all alone in this sinful world?
“What A Friend We Have In Jesus”

Do you feel like you have no words to speak to Him?
Whisper His name, because, “There’s Just Something About That Name”

Ever felt like you’re too big a sinner, with too many “issues”, to be loved by Him?
“He Looked Beyond My Faults And Saw My Needs”

Think the battle, and the war cannot be won?
“Victory In Jesus”!

Feel like you’re not capable of perseverance in your walk?
“Through It All.”

No matter the sin, no matter the condition of your heart, no matter how high the wall may be; He is waiting, nail scarred hands outstretched, waiting to break through that wall, pick you up, and restore your peace, your joy, your praise, and even your song!

“You ask me why my heart keeps singing,
Why I can sing, when things go wrong?
But, since I’ve found the source of music, I just can’t help it. God gave the song!”

Once God gives the song, the love, the light, the joy, the promises, He NEVER takes it back. It is we that fail Him. He will never fail us. Hallelujah for that blessed assurance, that Jesus is mine!

Be blessed today, and go around with a song in your heart!

Too Much Loss

Too Much Loss

At a time of the year when we are making preparation to both give, and to receive, there was too much giving for me this week.

My cousin, Paul, passed away. He’s my cousin from my daddy’s side of the family; the Vess side. When I read Paul’s obituary, I realized that he, and my husband, are the exact same age. Born the same day, the same year. I hugged my husband more than normal today. We’re not promised tomorrow. Paul was a true Child of God. I know we will all have a family reunion in Heaven one day, but my heart hurts for his immediate family.

This morning, while traveling on Highway 84, here in Enterprise, a young mother, her two year old, and her five year old, lost their lives in a car accident. Tragic loss is never easy to handle, but it just seems to be so much more difficult at this time of year. God, grant comfort to this grieving family.

Tonight, a sweet, precious Kingdom Warrior from our church, left us here, to go home to be with the Lord. Miss Hilda, along with her husband, Mr. Nick, were fixtures at the Grace Place. I would hear the whir of her motorized wheelchair, coming up behind me. Then, I would hear, “Miss Brenda! Hello. Darlin’, how are you today? Are you singin’ this mornin’?”
Then, she would reach out her arms for a hug and, always, a kiss. There’s not a person that didn’t love Miss Hilda. Such a kind, loving, giving heart.
She will be missed by all. It’s hard to give her up.

I was thinking how hard it is to give up those we love, and how especially difficult it is at Christmas time. I know it’s more blessed to give than to receive, but it would be nice to be able to enjoy the holiday without all the suffering and heartache.

Well, the reason we even celebrate at all, is because of the greatest gift ever given. “For God so loved the world, that He gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him, shall not perish, but have everlasting life.” How easy do you think it was for God to give His Son to man, knowing His fate? Without that gift of selfless love, there would be no Christmas. No celebrations. No reason for the season. No promise of eternal life.

I’ll see my precious loved ones again. I have that blessed assurance. Without the sacrifice of God’s loved one, none of us would have that promise.

The pain of the losses is very real. The grief is real. “Oh, death where is your sting, oh grave, where is your victory?”

Earth is but a stepping stone to Heaven. Please, stay on the path that leads you there. Hug those you love more. Tell them you love them more. Make precious memories with them. And, plan on seeing them again one day.

Merry Christmas, happy birthday, Jesus. And, thank you God, for your precious gift.

I love you with the love of the Lord,

Nothing Special But Everything Wonderful

I realized that it’s been a while since I’ve posted. Oh, I’ve started several ramblings, but before they could be put into something cohesive, or interesting, I would read it back, and think,”Well, this is nothing special. No one wants to read this drivel.”
I was wondering why it’s been so long? I thought, “Nothing special going on.” Then, when forced to think about it, I realized that all my “nothing specials”, are really “everything wonderfuls”!
A 16+ hour car ride. Definitely NOT special. But, holding that precious new grandchild in my arms, looking into his perfect face, and seeing his daddy looking back at me, was everything wonderful.
Having to clean the kitchen after a marathon baking session; nothing special. But, the memories made with grandchildren, while baking cookies, very special.
Hours and hours of pouring over music, matching music to script, recording the music, and many, many rehearsals; not special, in the sense that it’s tedious. But, totally worth everything to see the children’s faces light up, and their eyes twinkle with excitement; and seeing parents and grandparents swell with pride as their little angels sing the story of Jesus’ birth at that wonderful Christmas Program.
Spending the night in the hospital because you fainted at church is not special. Embarrassing, yes. Special, no. But, the love, care, concern, compassion, and genuine friendship shown as a result, is indeed something wonderful.
Having surgery, is NOT special. But, finally going through with what you’ve been putting off (partly in fear of finding out what you feared is true), and finding out that your fears were unfounded, and you are just fine, is indeed wonderful!
Sharing the struggle with other would be writers, is not only not special, but it’s discouraging. But, having one of those authors leave a note on your wall, saying, “Hey! You’re in my book!” Now, that is indeed wonderful! It is encouragement to keep on going, keep on writing.
Getting hurt so deeply that you feel as though your spirit has been crushed, is beyond nothing special. But, being able to forgive the hurt, and keep right on loving that person, is very, very wonderful, and very freeing.
Half empty vs. half full.
Life lessons.
Finding the beauty.
It’s all up to us.
God gives amazing, awesome “wonderfuls” every single day, if we only choose to seek, and find them.
There’s a children’s song that goes:
“I anticipate the inevitable, supernatural intervention of God: I expect a miracle!”
I choose to look for the everything wonderfuls that are found in my everyday nothing specials!
May the joy of this Christmas season, fill your heart with the anticipation that you will walk this journey called “life”, while always looking for the wonderfuls found inside the nothing specials.

Be blessed!

Ya Gotta Have Heart!

Ya Gotta Have Heart!

A message from my heart:
Today, I’d like to speak to the faithfulness of God. He’s always on time. He’s always a true friend. I was reminded of this this morning.
You see, I’ve recently had to deal with being hurt by some folks I consider friends. I’m not placing blame on anyone; there are always two sides to every story. And, both sides are seldom in agreement. Nonetheless, some things happened, some things were said, and feelings were hurt.
I thought I was ok. I said I was ok. I said, “All is forgiven.” And, I meant it. But, something kept nagging at me. The human part of me wanted to call them all, and tell them just how hurt I was. I knew that I wanted to forgive, but I also knew that I won’t ever forget. Last night, as I lay down, I started to pray, as is my habit. All of a sudden, the proverbial dam burst. The floodgate of my heart opened, and the tears flowed uncontrollably. I started to pray, “God, I’m NOT ok! I’m HURT! My heart hurts, Lord, and I don’t know what to do. Please, Lord, show me what to do. I need you, Father.”
I went on in prayer, but my focus was, truthfully, still on my heartfelt plea.
This morning, after a pretty restless night, I sat down in my little devotion corner, and placed my hand on my bible. “Precious Lord, I need you. I need your comfort. I need your affirmation of my actions, and my attitude. If I’m wrong, I ask that you correct me. I’m your child, and I yield my spirit to you. I love you, Lord.”
My husband walked into the room, and as I was talking to him, I absentmindedly opened my bible. When I looked down, this is what I saw:
Ephesians 4:32:
“Be kind to one another, tender hearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ has forgiven you.”
More tears. This time, they were tears of revelation, and of knowledge. They were tears that said, “Thank you, Lord.”
Words are easy to speak. But, when we speak them, we have to mean them. “I forgive”, may be easy to say, but the freedom comes in truth. Truth that verifies your heart, and the peace that comes with total, complete forgiveness.
Now, here’s the thing; I’m only responsible for myself. I have no control over what anyone else does, nor the condition of their heart. Good heavens, I certainly don’t want to be! I have enough trouble keeping myself in check! Truth! However, my desire is to live so that others know that when I say, “I forgive,”, or,”Please forgive me,” that they know that I sincerely mean it. From the bottom of my heart.
Thank you, Lord, for you love, and your perfect timing.
I encourage you to grant perfect, honest, sincere forgiveness to someone today. It will change your heart. I promise!
Until we chat again, have a heart that speaks truth.
In His Love,

Grab Those Boot Straps, Girl!

There’s a laundry list of things that are “wrong” with me. No comments, please, I’m speaking of the physical realm.
There are a numbe of them, I won’t bore you with the details. Suffice to say there’s a mess of them, which makes me a mess at times. After a few days of that, it’s easy to give in to them. Mayhem will ensue if you do that. Trust me. This past week or so, has been like that for me. Sick, lonely, feeling unloved and unwanted, feeling like giving up; you know the drill. Then, this morning while having devotions, God once again got out His 2×4 board, and whacked me upside the noggin with out. Side note: THAT HURTS!
But, it serves the purpose of getting me back on track, where I claim I want to be. It gets me refocused in the areas where I can become lacking, if I allow it to happen.
When you’re feeling bad, it can take a toll on almost every aspect of your life.
Your feelings jump right out there on your sleeve, just waiting to be to hurt. They grow tentacles, stretching out like antennae, looking for something to grab onto.
You want to give up on the things you know God wants you to do, and you risk throwing away the talents He’s given you.
You doubt that your friends are truly your friends, and that they even care. You feel left out, excluded, ignored, unwanted, and useless.
You feel old beyond your years, and you want to give up, crawl in bed, pull the covers up over your head, and give up on life.
And then, that little bit of human stubbornness kicks in! You get angry. This may be attributed to the use of the 2×4. Just saying. You get hold of your emotions, and you begin to fight back! You realize that you serve the Master Physician, and He is in control. You understand that others are possibly going through things that may cause them to appear uncaring, or uninterested in how you’re doing. You realize that the giver of life, is also the giver of your abilities. You find that desire to use them, and to use them for His glory! You sing, you write, you create; you use what He gave you.
And, you cling to those whom you know, without a doubt, love you unconditionally.
Then, you give thanks. For ALL of it. ALL of it. Suffering makes you stronger, because it makes you appreciate the days when you feel good.
Going through supposed rejection serves to make you stop, and analyze your behavior that may have contributed to their responses to you.
You become more focused on others, rather than yourself.
You become you again, and you try to become the you God wants you to be.
You pray for healing. You pray for strength. You pray for wisdom, guidance, and understanding. You pray that He will use you, and use you mightily. You pray for others, and what they may be going through. You pray for grace. You pray for humility.
And, you give thanks. In all things give thanks.
Have a great day. I’ll be busy pulling myself up by those boot straps!
Till we chat again, hold on to those boot straps!
In His Love,